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Blade And Soul Articles
Showing 1 - 25 of 17,677 total results found while searching for "Blade And Soul".
Mystery of the Soul Part 1 "They will ask thee concerning the Spirit. Say: The Spirit is by command of my Lord, and of knowledge ye have been vouchsafed but little" (Koran Al Israa 17:85)IntroductionAt present we are living in a very complex era that humankind's Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
Mystery of the Soul Part 2 RELIGIOUS BELIEFSWhen we speak of religious beliefs we mean its theological tenets. Christianity and Islam share common ideas and beliefs having their roots in a common source--Judaism. This religion in turn derived many of its doctrines and beliefs Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
Mystery of the Soul Part 3 In general, the various branches of parapsychological study related to the soul are Near-Death Experience (NDE); Out-of-the-Body Experience (OBE); Biomagnetic Radiation/Field (aura); Hauntings; Posessions; Bilocation; Past-Life Regression, and ESP.Many Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
Mystery of the Soul Part 4 AGE OF THE SOULAlthough generally speaking, spirit essence is ageless and eternal, it is possible to classify souls in terms of its evolutionary unfoldment or development. Here we do not speak of the origin of the soul, for from a certain occult point Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
Mystery of the Soul Part 5 Basically, Baby, Infant and Young souls do not have as yet coordinated personalities and their souls are often governed by the lower instincts and impulses of their personality. Mature and Old souls are more in control and their personalities are Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
Mystery of the Soul Part 6 The many theological hypotheses and theories regarding the survival of consciousness are without a basis from the scientific standpoint. Orthodox science even look askance towards the findings of parapsychology. Accounts such as Near-Death Experience, Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
Choosing The Right Blade For A Circular Saw You can have a top of the line circular saw but without a good blade it doesn't amount to much. Having the right blade for the job you are doing is critical to making a clean cut and making the cut safely. Depending on the material you are cutting and Published 7 Years Ago by elizabethclark774
Pneumatic Accessories for Energy Conservation and Sustainability In today's world, energy conservation and sustainability have become paramount considerations in various industries. Pneumatic systems, which rely on compressed air to power machinery and equipment, are no exception. Published 1 Year Ago by airmaxpneumatic
Life confusing ?..take the 'old soul' test.. If you're an old soul you will undoubtedly be giving, caring loving and compassionate - all wonderful attributes that we are taught are the signs of a developed person who cares for others, and the actions that we take that may affect others. The key Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen