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Lineage 2 Articles
Showing 1 - 18 of 18 total results found while searching for "Lineage 2".
Exclusive: Massively's Lineage II High Five interview The big day for Lineage II fans, as NCsoft is dropping the much-anticipated High Five content update on the game's live servers. The patch features a ton of tweaks, additions, and improvements for the world of Aden, and it Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
Choose My Adventure: Lineage II by a landslide It was no contest from the get-go. Lineage II took an early lead in last week's poll and firmly held on to it. Color me shocked. I really thought that a few of the entries would be closely tied. Some Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
Starting Up Lineage 2 MMORPG The game is different from other massively multiplayer online games because it is staged as a prequel set 150 years from the first lineage MMORPG. Whe Published 3 Years Ago by sloanjohnston6
Starting Up Lineage 2 MMORPG The game is different from other massively multiplayer online games because it is staged as a prequel set 150 years from the first lineage MMORPG. Whe Published 3 Years Ago by sloanjohnston6
Starting Up Lineage 2 MMORPG The game is different from other massively multiplayer online games because it is staged as a prequel set 150 years from the first lineage MMORPG. Whe Published 3 Years Ago by sloanjohnston6
Starting Up Lineage 2 MMORPG The game is different from other massively multiplayer online games because it is staged as a prequel set 150 years from the first lineage MMORPG. Whe Published 3 Years Ago by sloanjohnston6
Lineage II expansion Gracia Final gets preview site The next free expansion for Lineage II is Gracia Final which is expected to bring a number of new features to the long-running fantasy MMO title. NCSoft announced this week that Gracia Final will expand gameplay to a new Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
A glimpse of data lineage tools Data lineage starts to seem difficult to understand for many but it is something that everyone who handles their business must use them and get their Published 6 Years Ago by Antonyportas
Lineage II launches a teaser site for Glory Days Another update for Lineage II is approaching, and this one promises to be full of glory. Days of it, even. But if you weren't sure about what the Glory Days update will offer for players, you can now stop at a handy teaser Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
The New Player ExperienceL2 Lineage 2 News MMORPG Lineage II Correspondent Chris Sides writes this article updating our readers on the state of Lineage II's New Player Experience.Since 2003, the new player experience in Lineage II ha matured to make it extremely Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
NCsoft releases brief Lineage II F2P trailer Lineage II is going free-to-play. This isn't news (or rather, it's old news at this point, amirite?). We wish we could tell you when the stalwart fantasy title is flipping the free-to-play switch, but unfortunately NCsoft's Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
Lineage II awakens to free-to-play Got room in your stomach for another free-to-play adaptation? If so, NCsoft has a plump and willing Lineage II that it would like you to nibble upon, if you're so willing.The company announced that it was adopting a hybrid Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
Gracia Epilogue launches on Lineage II's test server Just when we thought Gracia, the 2nd throne, was done and over with in Gracia Final, we get a tasty surprise in the form of Gracia Epilogue, the next patch coming out for Lineage II.Gracia Epilogue is hiding many a tasty treat Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
NCsoft sued for making Lineage II too darned addictive Can a video game publisher be successfully sued for releasing a game that makes players want to play it compulsively? That's the question of the hour in the USA, as Lineage II player Craig Smallwood levied a $3 million Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
Basic Lineage 2 Adena Farming Guide Basic Mob HuntingYou'll normally collect more adena if you were to hunt solo rather than grouped. The amount collected is usually less unless your character is really gimp and are unable to solo mobs on its own. Ideally you should target gree/blue con Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
Lineage II to offer main/subclass switch-ups this summer In the coming Hellbound expansion for Lineage II, the level cap will be increased to 85 for main classes, and 80 for subclasses. Because a lot of players have grown more attached to their subclass than their main, having it Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629